3 consejos para campañas de retención de clientes

email marketing, imagen ilustrativa

Optimizing customer retentionis a good strategy that, in the medium term, pays big dividends to your company. How to achieve it? Check this note!

Client retention: How to achieve a successful campaign

There are several efficient actions that a digital company can develop and obtain, in a short time, the desired profitability.

In the world of digital marketing nothing is obtained from one day to the next. The strategies that are applied to increase sales or to build customer loyalty require time.

However, when they are carried out in a constant way and measuring the results obtained to correct mistakes or to better direct the actions, the success is assured.

Put these 3 strategies into practice to add to your customer retention campaigns


It's going to be very difficult to retain your customers if you don't know exactly what they want and what they think about your brand.

Satisfaction surveys, like those for those who leave our shopping carts in the middle of a purchase, will allow you to elucidate what motivation they need to buy more or simply to convert!

From time to time you can carry out an email marketing campaign by sending surveys or specific and personalized questions to a certain target to obtain successful strategies that you can possibly apply in the retention of this group.

Researching your target audience is essential to carry out any digital marketing strategy.


Close and constant communication customer retentionstrategy.. In addition to promoting an impulse towards greater salesyou must prioritize the subscriptions of those visitors who arrive at your website.

In it the information must be clear, the navigation intuitive and fastin short: you must have a responsive website that increases the user experience and plays in your favor. Don't forget that all this makes for good communication and interaction with your potential clients, which will be the key to retaining them and preventing them from leaving your site and, consequently, from moving away from your brand.

In addition to a responsive website, promoting email communication and newsletter subscriptions can become an economical channel with great potential to connect with your customers and send them trends, product updates, announcements, special promotions and much more.

Another essential channel to increase communication and retention of your customers is to have a presence in the social networks that best suit your company. Staying active in those used by your audience can be a great opportunity to increase conversions.

You will be able to publish valuable content on a regular basis and communicate directly with your followers to answer questions and provide effective solutions that place your brand on the pedestal of empathy, resolution, and vanguard.


A rewards program is undoubtedly an effective customer retention system.

Whoever is satisfied with a product or service and also receives a personalized reward, prize or thanks, becomes a loyal customer..

You can motivate your audience with special discounts or reasonable offers for a second purchase or when they reach a certain amount of product obtained, hold raffles among the followers of your social networks, promote a specific product among a select group at a prominent value, and so on.

The goal is to make your customers feel pampered and grateful to be part of your digital brand. If you pursue this goal, you will be able to diagram a multitude of loyalty actions and, consequently, de of retention.

Do you want to create the perfect customer retention campaign? In DCG we can help you!

¡Contact our agency and let's start working together!!


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