Keys to designing a successful email marketing campaign

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Email marketing is a digital strategy that brings many benefits to a brand. Above all, in the loyalty and retention of potential users. For that reason, designing a successful campaign is really essential to achieve the objectives of any type of business.

But how to achieve it? Here we tell you a series of fundamental keys that you should consider when defining this digital campaign.

Email marketing: how to achieve a successful campaign

Nurturing users with valuable and personalized content has become the everyday life of brands. And more, in the digital age in which we are immersed, where staying behind the new strategy trend could make you loos e advantage over the competition.

Therefore, consider the following tips during the design process of an email marketing campaign:

Set goals

Every digital campaign must meet an initial purpose for which it was created. In this way you can measure their performance based on the proposed objectives... but not all campaigns meet the same objectives. Look at some goals that your digital strategy could meet:

  • Increase sales.
  • Build a relationship with your audience.
  • Promote a new line of products and / or services.
  • Send valuable content to enhance the purchase process.
  • Increase the number of subscribers.

As you can see, there are many objectives that your email marketing campaign could pursue. So try to be as clear as possible.

Define strategies that respond to each objective

Suppose you are looking to send valuable content to enhance the purchase process, what would be the most appropriate strategies for this purpose? Here some examples:

  • Send free trials of the product and / or service.
  • Share benefits and recommendations for the use of the product and / or service.
  • Create a video tutorial using the product and / or service.
  • Offer bonuses, discounts and / or promotions.

For your email marketing campaign to be successful, it must be based on the appropriate strategies according to the objectives..

Use a responsive design

More than 17 billion emails are opened on mobile devices, according to a study by Litmus. Therefore, it is ESSENTIAL that your email campaign adapts perfectly to different portable devices.

To do this, make sure that the content automatically adjusts to the screen of each user. And, of course, that the images do not lose quality once they are adapted to mobile devices.

Use crossover channels

Link your different social profiles to your email marketing strategy. This is a good way to grow your potential database. It also helps you expand the reach of your campaign, further strengthening the positioning of your brand.

So include the social media icons and promote your digital campaign through your profiles. Also, publish a small part of the newsletter (newsletter) on your different social platforms. In this way, you will be attracting a greater number of visits to your official website. estarás atrayendo un mayor número de visitas a tu web oficial.

Personalize the subject and body of the email

Keep in mind that not all your users have the same needs, tastes and interests. So you can't send everyone the same content. Choose to personalize the emails considering the profile of each user, their level of interaction with the brand and, in what phase of the purchase process they are.

In relation to this, a study carried out by Yes Lifecycle Marketing highlights that personalized issues increased open rates by 50%. More than double in relation to those subjects that are blank or are not personalized.

Create voluntary subscription forms

Invading the privacy of your users by sending them emails without their consent is an act that could have legal consequences. So be careful, your email marketing campaign must be based on a form that your users have to fill out voluntarily. Every brand must respect the user's decision, and more when it comes to their privacy.

An email marketing campaign is a crucial strategy in the loyalty and retention of potential users of a brand. Consider the keys to success to hook your user!

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