4 SEO trends that are already being seen

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Is your brand really prepared to face the new SEO trends? In order to efficiently optimize your digital strategies, you must be aware of the new market innovations. In this way, you can direct your different strategies to the true path of success like a real SEO zar.

If you want to keep up to date on the new trends that are leading SEO practices, keep reading this enriching post.

SEO trends: what's new in positioning for this 2020

Digital marketing is a discipline that does not stop evolving in order to adapt to the constant changes produced by new technologies. In this way, search engine optimization is one of the techniques that has evolved the most. So brands must be aware of what the new innovations are so as not to be left behind.

That being said, let's check out the new SEO trends already being seen in 2020!

User experience (UX)

For a couple of years we have seen that content marketing has gained great relevance, this year it continues to be. And most of all, focused on providing valuable content to the most potential costumers of a brand.

For this reason, you should strive to offer highly personalized user experiences. It is the best way to increase the chances that your target audience interacts with the different sections of your website.

In this way, examine your site in depth, determine the loading speed, improve readability, analyze the distribution of content ... in short, make the necessary changes to optimize your website as much as possible.

And remember to maintain a responsive design, adapting your website to different mobile devices is essential to offer a good experience.

Digital assistants and voice searches

Have you heard about Siri or Alexa? Both are virtual assistants of well-known brands, such as Apple and Amazon, respectively. Also, according to Google, 1 in 5 queries come from voice searches. So this has become the new form of communication that users handle. Therefore, as a brand you must change the information processing of your website, so that you can adapt it to the new SEO trends.

But what is the relevance? Notice, previously, written searches were more vague: “buy flowers”. Now, with the voice search, the user must use more complete phrases: “where can I buy fresh flowers in Argentina”. In this way, websites must start using longer keywords. In order to fit in with the current searches of its users.

Visual aspect

Just as voice searches rank among SEO trends, visual queries are now gaining more relevance in 2020. Even big brands like Google and Pinterest have already incorporated powerful visual search engines. Users are becoming more and more demanding, and now they are looking for a higher quality in the images and / or photographs shared by a brand.

For that reason, visual search continues to gain prominence in 2020. And visual content must be optimized from now on.

Influencers Marketing

En una nota anteriorInfluencers are gaining great relevance in digital marketing. And in this way, we can also see it among the strong SEO trends for this 2020.

Basically, it's about choosing the right influencer to send a clear, concise and 'saller' message to your target audience. And with this, beyond promoting a better positioning and visibility on the web, you optimize your brand image. Users give relevance to the opinions of third parties when making their final purchase decision. And if it is his great ‘idol’, his opinion will have greater weight.


And just like these, SEO trends will continue to expand in time. Pay attention!

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